I just love myself - sounds vain doesn't it? But it's not really. When I say this I mean it in a non-egotistic kind of way, but in a way where I accept myself. With all my flaws and glory! Self-love is not easy however, the freedom you will have and feel once you have truly accepted yourself is well worth it.
Confidence is something that I have always struggled with, even from a young age. My biggest insecurities growing up were my skinny frame and my big curly hair. My petite frame is something that I have struggled falling in love with for as long as I can remember. From being teased about my size in school to older people telling me 'I must eat', even though (those who know me will agree) I can eat for Britain. This was just my build. I say this now with confidence, but boy has it taken me a long time to accept that. I now understand that we all come in different shapes and sizes. No matter whether you are big or small, you are still beautiful.
We really can go to some lengths to try and cover those flaws of ours. Whether it's a snap chat filter, high waisted skinny jeans or a thick layer of NARS All Day Luminous Foundation. We always find a way to hide rather than embrace. I remember I would go to school everyday with my hair freshly washed, dripping wet, so wet that the back of my school uniform would be soaked (basically I looked like a drowned rat... not a good look) LOL. I was just so obsessed with my hair being flat, with no frizz and I thought that this was the only way that the curls could be tamed. So much to the fact that I would check my hair in the mirror on my breaks and if my hair had expanded in any kind of way, I would dip my hair into the sink in the girls toilets and my friends would all help me to soak my hair again. Sounds crazy I know, ridiculous in fact but my curly hair was something that I was just so insecure about. Now at the age of 24, I finally love my curls. I don't feel myself without them. Don't get me wrong, I would be a liar if I said I never straighten my hair because I do if I fancy a change, but when I do its not long before I miss my curls and the moment I have them back I just feel like me. And that is what self love is about. Accepting the things that are a part of you that you may see as flaws. The next time you look in the mirror, look at your flaws. But this time don't be ashamed of them, don't judge or look at them with disgust. This time fall in love with them. Analyse them and be thankful for them. Whether you are looking at your stretchmarks, your love handles, your little legs, your frizzy hair, your scars. Think of something good about them, something positive about this flaw, even if you find it hard to, just try your best. After all - how can you expect anyone else to fall in love with you, if you do not love your self? For instance, I use to look at my stretch marks after having my first son and think my stomach was destroyed. I thought this for years and would always try to cover them until I got to a point in my life where I was sick of feeling ashamed of something that had actually in fact brought me so much joy. MY BABIES. Today, I look at my stretchmarks with love. They were caused by becoming a home for my beautiful children. To me, they are a reminder of my children and a reminder of my strength. My warrior scars. Now you try. Think of something that you are insecure about, look at this flaw, analyse it, feel it and then think of something positive about it. Do this everyday, until you fall in love and this flaw no longer is a flaw to you. It is these flaws that make you, you. It is your flaws that make you beautiful. No one is you - that is your super power. Be authentic. Imagine if we lived in a world where the media was not telling us what beautiful really was. Instead we had to rely on ourselves to be the judge. Would we look at our flaws in the same way? Would we even see them as flaws? Personally, I don't think we would.
I hope reading this helps anyone else who struggles with confidence. Take the control back in your life and fall in love with you. It is then that greater things will happen!
All my love,
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